Monday, January 25, 2010

Beauty Woman

So you can't lose those extra 20 pounds in 30 days - or hit the gym three days a week like you wish you could. But that doesn't mean you can't face the New Year with some resolve to be a better, healthier, even prettier you in 2006.

In fact, Yale professor Dr. David Katz says we should lighten up on strict resolutions and approach the New Year with reasonable expectations. Doing so will not only help you stick to your resolve, but the small changes you make can lead to bigger changes down the road - and an ambitious desire to improve your life in many more ways.

"If you let the small things add up they will add up to meaningful changes in the overall pattern of your life, " says Katz, director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center, and co-author of "Stealth Health: How to sneak age-defying, disease-fighting habits into your life without really trying!"

To help get you started on those small but meaningful changes, here are 10 fast and easy health and beauty resolutions - little things you can do to positively change the way you feel -and the way you look - in 2006! Try one - or all ten - and I promise you'll see the difference way before spring!

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